A continuation of Stephen Diehl's Write You a Haskell
NOTE: Following better understanding of later parts of the compiler, each phase’s monad will instead manage a supply of Unique
s inside its IOEnv
’s environment.
OTHER NOTE: The Outputable
module described here is fine for now, but is revamped in Chapter 10.
This page will be updated to match at a later date.
As explained previously, a monad transformer is a way of adding new capabilities onto an existing monad, where of course monads are like “first-class actions.” Frequently throughout compiling, we’ll need to grab fresh names (and possibly numbers, etc). Rather than explicitly adding a component to the state layer of our monads, we can abstract this out into its own transformer layer.
Since we intend to use SupplyT
inside other monads, we’ll need to provide a monad class.
module Control.Monad.Supply.Class
( MonadSupply(..)
) where
class Monad m => MonadSupply s m | m -> s where
supply :: m s
isExhausted :: m Bool
The phrase | m -> s
is called a “Functional Dependency”, and means that m
determines s
. This means that any particular monad m
can only have one MonadSupply
instance. This is fine for our purposes.
(Beginners with Functional Dependencies should note that this means StateT Int (State String)
is fundamentally distinct from State (Int, String)
, because the former doesn’t have a MonadState s
instance where s
contains Int
. s
is forced to String
by the functional dependency.)
isExhausted :: MonadSupply s m => m Bool
is provided just in-case. I suspect that every time we need this monad, we will be using an infinite supply, and we won’t insert exhausted-checks when our supply is infinite.
Since we also plan on using other monads with SupplyT
, we need to make sure that if m
is a MonadSupply
, then common transformers on top of m
are still a MonadSupply
. These instances are trivial:
instance MonadSupply s m => MonadSupply s (ExceptT e m) where
supply = lift supply
isExhausted = lift isExhausted
We provide instances for ExceptT
, StateT
, ReaderT
, and WriterT
(at least, the lazy variants).
Then we’ll need an actual implementation:
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Monad.Supply where
import Control.Monad.Supply.Class
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity
newtype SupplyT s m a = SupplyT (StateT [s] m a)
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadTrans, MonadIO, MonadFix)
runSupplyT :: Monad m => SupplyT s m a -> [s] -> m a
runSupplyT (SupplyT m) init = evalStateT m init
Note that we don’t derive MonadState [s]
for SupplyT
. If we did, and we later put a SupplyT
on top of a State
, then attempting to call supply
would break the functional dependency forced by State
Because we don’t derive MonadState [s]
, we need to manually wrap get
getSupply :: Monad m => SupplyT s m [s]
getSupply = SupplyT get
And finally we provide the MonadSupply
instance Monad m => MonadSupply m (SupplyT s m) where
supply = supplyST
isExhausted = isExhaustedST
supplyST :: Monad m => SupplyT s m s
supplyST = SupplyT $ state $ \s -> (head s, tail s)
isExhaustedST :: Monad m => SupplyT s m Bool
isExhaustedST = SupplyT $ gets null
We’ll also provide a couple of default supplies for common types. The most important one is a supply for names:
defaultNameSupply :: [String]
defaultNameSupply = [1..] >>= flip replicateM ['a'..'z']
This results in the list ["a", "b", ..., "z", "aa", "ab", ...]
The last detail is that the monad class instances go both ways. We’ve provided instances of MonadSupply
when a common transformer is on top of a MonadSupply
, but we could also have a SupplyT
on top of a common transformer. So we also have to provide instances of the form:
instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (SupplyT s m)
These instances can be tricky, and I won’t copy them all here. The trick is to unwrap the SupplyT
action by running it, use the instance from the underlying monad, and then wrap it all back up with
SupplyT $ StateT $ \s -> ...
This section can be skipped, since we’ll be upgrading the parser pretty heavily soon.
The main issues with the existing parser are
The first problem can be attacked by splitting exec
in Interpreter.Main
into two functions, one for loading modules and one for executing toplevel expressions. This would be nice so that loading a module doesn’t occasionally evaluate expressions and run them, especially since that doesn’t fit the language grammar. We’ll take this step later, while upgrading the interpreter. For now, we can provide a quick patch by changing
decl = try letrecdecl <|> letdecl <|> val
decl = try val <|> try letrecdecl <|> letdecl
To fix the second issue and third issues, we make a simple modification to letin
(and also to letrecin
, but as can be seen here I have combined them)
letin :: Bool -> Parser Expr
letin isrec = do
reserved "let"
when isrec $ reserved "rec"
x <- identifier
args <- many identifier
reservedOp "="
e1 <- expr
reserved "in"
e2 <- expr
let rhs = foldr Lam e1 args
if isrec
then return $ Let x (Fix rhs) e2
else return $ Let x rhs e2
As noted in some issues on the original Write You a Haskell github page, let-polymorphism is incorrectly implemented. The problem with the original implementation is exemplified by
Poly> \x -> let y = x + 1 in y
<<closure>> :: forall a. Int -> a
This type is clearly wrong; it should be Int -> Int
. What happened was we generated the types x :: a
and x + 1 :: b
, and then unified a ~ Int
and b ~ Int
. Then we generalized; y :: forall b. b
. Now in the body of the let we instantiated this scheme to y :: c
Then when constraints were solved, b ~ Int
never manifested, because no expression had the type b
To fix this, we need to solve the constraints on the rhs before generalizing. Unfortunately, this is slightly out of line with the separation of constraints and solving, but fortunately we can simply re-use our solution to solving the constraints here and keep them separated.
infer expr = case expr of
Let x e1 e2 ->
env <- ask
t1 <- infer e1
let sc = generalize env t1
t2 <- inEnv (x, sc) $ infer e2
return t2
infer expr = case expr of
Let x e1 e2 ->
env <- ask
(t0, cs) <- listen $ infer e1
subst <- liftEither $ runSolve cs
let t1 = apply subst t0
sc = generalize env t1
t2 <- inEnv (x, sc) $ infer e2
return t2
We use listen
from MonadWriter
to get the constraints generated during inference of e1
, solve those constraints, and apply the solution to t0
. Then we generalize as before.
The Outputable
class will be used to pretty print compiler output. The compiler will always produce “human-readable” code. The Outputable
module exports the class and the entire pretty
library, as well as a few extra helper functions that we’ll define as needed.
To avoid orphan instances, I try to put Outputable
instances for a type at the bottom of the file the type is defined in. In many cases, we’ll want to use one type internally to represent, say, errors, and then in a different module we will translate it into another type with a more opaque representation of the information we care about (source code location of the problem, list of contributing factors, etc.) and give that type the Outputable
instance. This structure is easier to organize and results in well-localized error message generation.